Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trial and Love: Week 1

This is a segment I  like to call Trial and Love. What does that mean? Well hopefully it will mean all of my trial and error will lead to finding something I love so much I have to share it with everyone else. So, in essence, I'll be your middle man. I'll write up reviews of things and you can pick and choose what you think you'll love. It's that easy. Anyway, here goes nothing!

5. [Books] The Nora Roberts Bride Quartet collection is hands down my favorite right now. I'm not much on romance novels but these are such a delightful indulgence I can't help myself. The series follow a group of 4 young women who have started their own wedding planning service called Vows. As you can probably predict in each book one of the women falls in love, and though I haven't read through the first wedding yet, I'm going to go ahead and assume they get married. Currently I'm in the middle of the second book, but I've already gone on and bought the rest because I know I wont be able to wait to read the next once I'm finished.
These definitely are NOT top notch literature, but if you're not looking to bulk up your brain, and you just want a little girly romance, these fit the bill.

4. [Music] I shazaamed this song off of the end credits of ABC's new show Off The Map. Many of you may have seen it as it garnered the best ratings that night. Anyway, the song is called SDP and it's by a band called The Kissaway Trail. I downloaded the album, and it's actually pretty good, but I think SDP will remain my favorite track off of it.

3. [Website] If you're a total nerd like me, then you may have a thing for documentaries. I recently found a website where you can watch hundreds of documentaries for free on just about any subject. I personally recommend the Mystery section. Anyway, the website is called Top Documentary Films. It keeps me entertained and the owners update fairly often.

2. [Home Decor] I've recently become obsessed with Urban Outfitters apartment section but that didn't prepare me for the awe that I have over this one particular item. I recently got a house that I'll be working on for the next year before I move in, and this will be perfect for the master bedroom. Of course the pricetag gave me a little shock, but I think in the long run it will be worth it. Say hello to my new duvet!

1.[Beauty] Last but not least my number 1 pick of the week is a pale girls dream. I am the palest of the pale. Even the most expensive makeup doesn't come in a light enough shade for me, so when I decided enough was enough and I needed to get a tan, I didn't have many options. Yes, I can tan. I even worked at a tanning salon for a while, but the color doesn't last and it just wasn't a healthy or cost effective way of getting color. So my next option is fake tan. I do have a personal favorite spray tan (Versa Spa - if you haven't tried it do it, but i only recommend it for special occasions as it wears off quickly and a single session is around 25-30$). So, that left me with from the bottle color. I know, gross, right? Wrong. I've tried nearly every brand, from expensive to cheap and I think I've found the one that will work for me. Ocean Potion's Ever Glow is seriously the cheapest self tanner Walmart sell's, yet it's the only one that has a natural color on such pale skin.  It's around $4, is in a huge container and delivers even color on the first application. From there your color builds, and I'm a true believer. I've already gone up 2 makeup shades.. woo hoo! My next adventure is to find a cheaper brand of mineral makeup, as I refuse to buy Bare Minerals every time my skin color changes. Ugh. 

Have a good afternoon everyone. :)

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